With its breath taking pristine jungles, its sunlit filtered canopies, azure ocean and silver strips of sand, you simply cannot take in the whole of the Daintree in a day. The Daintree rainforest is one of the oldest natural Jurassic parks’ left on earth, boasting a spectacular array of flora and fauna and incredible off the beaten track exploration. The 2 day Daintree Rainforest Tour is perfect for those who want to fall asleep to the chirping of frogs and wake to the sound of wild birds dressed to impress in their exotic plumes.
Unforgettable Memories
Your first day on the 2 day Daintree rainforest tour is sure to fill you with unforgettable memories, not only can you sip tea on the gushing banks of the river but you can watch ancient crocodiles seeking their prey as they wallow in the waters waiting to snap. Drift downstream for an up close and personal look with your own unique Daintree river cruise.
Linger a Little Longer in Paradise
As the sun broils in the blue sky you can enter the cool shade of the majestic Daintree Rainforest. Swathed in emerald greens and sprinkled with wild flowers you can meander along the rainforest boardwalk and duck down beneath the canopies to see the rare delights of exotic species hidden in the undergrowth. The magic of the 2 day rainforest tour means that you can linger a little longer soaking up the sound of pristine waters tumbling over ancient stone and watching blue butterflies flit in the dappled sunlight.
Wake to Jungle Cries
On this incredible 2 day tour you can spend the night in stunning accommodation on the shores of Cape Tribulation. With the exotic calls of the jungle on one side and the shimmering blue ocean on the other, you will be sure that you have found your own piece of paradise. Laze by the pool in blissful beauty or choose something exciting from a range of activities whether it is jungle surfing, horseback riding or even ocean kayaking.
Stand on the Edge of the World
On your second incredible day in the heart of the jungle you can stand at the edge of the world as you swing by the awe inspiring Alexandra range. From dizzying heights you can see the whole of the rainforest laid out beneath your feet, admire the curve of the Daintree River and even see the coastal

hinterlands glinting like gold on the horizon.

The Magic of Mossman Gorge
Afterwards your 2 day Daintree rainforest tour will culminate with a visit to explore the myth and magic of the Mossman gorge, a place where fairytales seem too steep beneath the ancient trees.  This is one of the most rewarding ways to explore the mesmerizing beauty of the Daintree and to sleep, eat and breathe the aura of Mother Nature. 
For more information, please visit our website.

Tips to visit the Daintree
Daintree Rainforest Guide
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